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Terms & Conditions

Welcome to Attention Lincoln, an advertising platform dedicated to supporting the local economy. Please carefully read and understand the following Terms and Conditions ("Agreement") before using our services. By accessing and using the Attention Lincoln website, you agree to comply with and be bound by these terms. If you do not agree with any part of this Agreement, please refrain from using our platform.

1. Directory Platform

1.1. Attention Lincoln is a directory platform designed to assist local businesses in promoting their products and services. We do not endorse or guarantee the quality, legality, or safety of any business or product advertised on our site.

1.2. We accept no responsibility for any business, product, or service advertised on our platform. You, as a user, are solely responsible for your interactions, purchases, and dealings with businesses listed on Attention Lincoln.

1.3. We do not screen businesses for compliance with legal requirements, but we do request that they confirm their legal status before advertising with us. However, this confirmation does not constitute our endorsement or warranty of their legitimacy.

2. Limitation of Liability

2.1. Attention Lincoln and its affiliates, employees, agents, and partners shall not be held liable for any damages, losses, or disputes arising from your use of our platform or interactions with businesses listed on our site.

3. Data Privacy

3.1. By using Attention Lincoln, you consent to the collection and storage of your information, including but not limited to personal data and usage data. We may use this information within our own businesses to improve our services.

3.2. We may also share your data with third parties for marketing and analytics purposes. You have the option to opt out of this data sharing at any time. Please refer to our Privacy Policy for more details.

4. Ticket Sales and Event Cancellations

4.1. Attention Lincoln may facilitate ticket sales for events, but we are not responsible for the organization, management, or cancellation of these events. Any issues related to ticket sales or event cancellations must be addressed directly with the event holder.

5. Acceptance of Risk

5.1. By using our platform, you acknowledge and accept that Attention Lincoln is not liable for any issues, damages, or disputes that may arise from your interactions with businesses or individuals listed on our site.

6. Changes to Terms and Conditions

6.1. We reserve the right to modify these Terms and Conditions at any time. Any changes will be posted on our website, and your continued use of our platform constitutes your acceptance of the updated terms.

7. Governing Law

7.1. This Agreement is governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of [Jurisdiction], without regard to its conflict of law principles.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding these Terms and Conditions, please contact us at


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